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Friday, August 19, 2011

Is this the best you can do? Are you sure?

Secret Garden

Episodes: 20
Genre: Melodrama, Fantasy, Romance
Actors: Ha Ji-Won as Gil Ra-Im
Hyun-Bin as Kim Joo-Won
Yoon Sang-Hyun as Oska
Kim Sa-Rang as Yeun-Sul
Phillip Lee as Im Jong-Soo

I am currently re-watching this drama. I watched it when it was first airing and instantly it captured my attention. This drama is one of the best dramas of the year 2010. It caught many viewers around the nation. There are so many things that could be said, it is very breath-taking. I have to admit the scenes can be very drawn out and so melodramatic but that is what gives the drama sparkle. I love Ha Ji Won and Hyun Bin's chemistry, it was flawless. One of my favourite characters was Kim Sung-Oh, Kim Jo Won's Secretary. His acting cracked me up, he was a stress reliever plus his relationship with Min Ah Young was so cute. I found Oska and Yeul-Sul's relationship so tiring! They needed to stop fighting with themselves and amongst each other. The long scenes of conversation with each other started to annoy me. Nevertheless, I understand why they did it. Of course in the end everything gets explained and everybody lived happily ever after...
I must say I really loved this storyline, I was a little skeptical about watching it. The title confused me with the synopsis but later on it made sense. I have to give a shout out to the Original Soundtrack of this drama. It was epic! Neu Namja [That Man] and Neu Youja [That Woman] will always be two of my favourite songs.
Oh and do not be fooled by the title or the synopsis of the drama, definitely watch this drama. It is slow at first but it picks up and you get caught into it. Personally, I love dramas like this because they not only take to a different world but observe the reality you have. I believe this drama is a roller coaster psychologically. Because no matter how unreal the plot might be there is so much reality portrayed that one cannot excuse it. There is much meaning behind the dialogues, the long drawn out looks, the sceneries, the wardrobe and even the props. I might be looking too much into it but what can I do, it's what I am good at. 
When I first watched it, I understood the drama but not as I re-watch, I discover new meaning, hidden concepts that I knew but didn't pay much attention. Although, there is one dialogue that has stuck with me and I adored it as soon as I heard it. I have written it word for word in the paragraph below. English Translation/Subs thanks to WithS2, Heaven's Subbing Squad.

"Not being able to sleep or eat are just the obvious basics. Falling asleep and waking up are hell too. Because you can't figure out how you and the other person you love are to become strangers. You can't even complain to other people. Because they may badmouth him. So, you cry alone. It's ended, you've broken up, but only the memories of love come to mind. But the more you do that, the longer it takes to erase those memories. So to a person who's been left, 365 days are spent in the process of breaking up. But the thing that really hurts, is the other person doesn't even seem to be thinking of you. It feels like it's just you that can't let go. That person seems to have forgotten all about you and is just happy. All you want to do is die, but you can't die either. Because you might never...see that person again." 

This quote was in episode 6, thanks to Kim Sa-Rang ssi for delivering the line well. :)
Lately, that paragraph has been stuck in my head, when I listened to the dialogue, I started crying. Maybe cause I understood how Yeun-Sul felt and I understood how it felt to break up. It's not a fun feeling but it'll always be there. If I had to sum up the drama I would say it is about relationships and dealing with one's emotions and consequences. One of the biggest turmoil in the drama is the clash in classes and accommodating between two sides.   
I am grateful to watch this, it adds a different perspective. If anything, relationships aren't easy, one cannot play with another person's emotions, and not everything goes according to plan.

Extra pictures

I also chose pictures from OST version. They have a strong sense of emotion. I think, the main idea of the drama gets across. :)

"Love gives you the power to hurt somebody"   - It was on my mind, I thought I'd share it.

credits: Yellow cinema,
With S2, subs written by the Heavens Subbing Squad.  

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