Welcome to the inner mind of Hikari! Hope you enjoy your stay :)

About Me

Hello, Everybody! As-Salaam Wa'laykum! Guten Tag! こんにちわ!안녕하세요! 您好! Bonjour!

lol enough languages? I plan to conquer all of them. That is one of my main purposes in life. Its not easy but definitely fun! I believe through hard work one can accomplish anything. If one really wants some thing from the deepest of their heart then they will receive it. But then there are some things when you least expect...they will come to you. I believe in many things and Justice and Freedom are on the top. To be honest, I am a very quiet and introverted person but I can also be open when the time comes. Its not easy being me but I can say its definitely worth while. I wouldn't trade me for anything. lol. [Too much self-boasting]
My one true love will always be Art History...or History of art, or artworks. Especially in the Asian art field. I fell in love with it when I was 8 years old and been pursuing this dream ever since then. I love drawing and painting although I haven't drawn much in the past year so hopefully I'll have more drawing adventures. I'm not an exciting, sarcastic, dry humour type person. I'm more of the sentimental thinking type. Although I can make many people laugh. Putting a smile on somebody else's face is most satisfying to me.
I love everything to do with Anime, Manga, J-pop, K-pop, Kdrama...mostly things from the eastern side. Although I live in the western part. 
I, recently, graduated from University and working full-time. Trying to survive my twenteen [20-29] years.  :)

I hope you guys enjoy my blog.