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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

おたんじょうび おめでとう!!!


おたんじょうび おめでとう まもるちばーさん/ツクセヂカメンサマ!
Happy Birthday Mamoru Chiba[Darien Shields] /Tuxedo Mask!!!

This is a tribute to our very own Tuxedo Kamen-sama. Although there are many controversies whether his birthday is on Aug 1st or 3rd but most of the places I've seen is listed on the 3rd. Only Naoko Takeuchi knows. So I show my gratitude for making me get up 7am every Saturday morning, just to see him throw a rose, fly across the screen, say a line and fly off. Time well spent. Ah~ if only you were real...so many girls would love to kidnap you..in the most safest way...Everyone knows we watched Sailor Moon just to see you for 5 mins on screen, and after that we felt like we could achieve anything in our world. So thank you Naoko Takeuchi-san for bringing him to the animation world and giving us hope in our not-so-wonderful life. And thank you Mamo-chan for existing in our imaginations. Koodos to you. Otanjoubiomedeto!


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