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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My life would suck without you

Another Merlin music video, I thought I'd share it. This song has been stuck in my head for a while. It's the Glee version of My life would suck by Kelly Clarkson. I am a fan of Ms. Clarkson's music and this is one my favourite songs mixed with my favourite T.V series. Thank you so much to ILIKEYOU31 for making this video. The credit goes to that person.

Monday, August 22, 2011


Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Melodrama, Romance
Cast: Kim Ha Neul, Park Young Woo, Yoo Ji Tae, Ha Ji Won

I just finished watching this movie. It was really slow at first...I wanted to give up but once I start some thing I have to finish it, no matter how horrible it might be. So I gave it a shot and this movie isn't that bad. The concept is intriguing; a parallel universe that joins two individuals by a similar object. Although I must say, I was prepared for the ending but it still moved me. It was sad. I'm glad I watched it. Plus it was interesting to see Ha Ji Won ssi and Kim ha Neul ssi's  younger acting days. 

Credits: Dramacrazy

Friday, August 19, 2011

Is this the best you can do? Are you sure?

Secret Garden

Episodes: 20
Genre: Melodrama, Fantasy, Romance
Actors: Ha Ji-Won as Gil Ra-Im
Hyun-Bin as Kim Joo-Won
Yoon Sang-Hyun as Oska
Kim Sa-Rang as Yeun-Sul
Phillip Lee as Im Jong-Soo

I am currently re-watching this drama. I watched it when it was first airing and instantly it captured my attention. This drama is one of the best dramas of the year 2010. It caught many viewers around the nation. There are so many things that could be said, it is very breath-taking. I have to admit the scenes can be very drawn out and so melodramatic but that is what gives the drama sparkle. I love Ha Ji Won and Hyun Bin's chemistry, it was flawless. One of my favourite characters was Kim Sung-Oh, Kim Jo Won's Secretary. His acting cracked me up, he was a stress reliever plus his relationship with Min Ah Young was so cute. I found Oska and Yeul-Sul's relationship so tiring! They needed to stop fighting with themselves and amongst each other. The long scenes of conversation with each other started to annoy me. Nevertheless, I understand why they did it. Of course in the end everything gets explained and everybody lived happily ever after...
I must say I really loved this storyline, I was a little skeptical about watching it. The title confused me with the synopsis but later on it made sense. I have to give a shout out to the Original Soundtrack of this drama. It was epic! Neu Namja [That Man] and Neu Youja [That Woman] will always be two of my favourite songs.
Oh and do not be fooled by the title or the synopsis of the drama, definitely watch this drama. It is slow at first but it picks up and you get caught into it. Personally, I love dramas like this because they not only take to a different world but observe the reality you have. I believe this drama is a roller coaster psychologically. Because no matter how unreal the plot might be there is so much reality portrayed that one cannot excuse it. There is much meaning behind the dialogues, the long drawn out looks, the sceneries, the wardrobe and even the props. I might be looking too much into it but what can I do, it's what I am good at. 
When I first watched it, I understood the drama but not as I re-watch, I discover new meaning, hidden concepts that I knew but didn't pay much attention. Although, there is one dialogue that has stuck with me and I adored it as soon as I heard it. I have written it word for word in the paragraph below. English Translation/Subs thanks to WithS2, Heaven's Subbing Squad.

"Not being able to sleep or eat are just the obvious basics. Falling asleep and waking up are hell too. Because you can't figure out how you and the other person you love are to become strangers. You can't even complain to other people. Because they may badmouth him. So, you cry alone. It's ended, you've broken up, but only the memories of love come to mind. But the more you do that, the longer it takes to erase those memories. So to a person who's been left, 365 days are spent in the process of breaking up. But the thing that really hurts, is the other person doesn't even seem to be thinking of you. It feels like it's just you that can't let go. That person seems to have forgotten all about you and is just happy. All you want to do is die, but you can't die either. Because you might never...see that person again." 

This quote was in episode 6, thanks to Kim Sa-Rang ssi for delivering the line well. :)
Lately, that paragraph has been stuck in my head, when I listened to the dialogue, I started crying. Maybe cause I understood how Yeun-Sul felt and I understood how it felt to break up. It's not a fun feeling but it'll always be there. If I had to sum up the drama I would say it is about relationships and dealing with one's emotions and consequences. One of the biggest turmoil in the drama is the clash in classes and accommodating between two sides.   
I am grateful to watch this, it adds a different perspective. If anything, relationships aren't easy, one cannot play with another person's emotions, and not everything goes according to plan.

Extra pictures

I also chose pictures from OST version. They have a strong sense of emotion. I think, the main idea of the drama gets across. :)

"Love gives you the power to hurt somebody"   - It was on my mind, I thought I'd share it.

credits: Yellow cinema,
With S2, subs written by the Heavens Subbing Squad.  

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Watashi no seikatsu

Lack of sleep + severe headache = Foul mood

That wraps up my two days. On Friday, I was functioning on lack of sleep and while at work I got a severe headache, it kept going away and coming back and with that I decided to go watch The Rise of the Planets of the Apes. Surprisingly the headache went away for the duration of the movie. However, just at the climax of the movie the power goes out. At least four other theaters had the same problem..that was very interesting..specially when people did not get angry nor did they cause a riot. Hopefully I will watch the movie again and this time the power better stay on!

Sadly the headache had returned that night and I slept with it. I woke up and my head was throbbing. I'm not sure if it was a migraine but it hurt like crazy. I couldn't move nor eat anything..only drink water. I went to work and was in a pissed off mood. This headache really killed my body. But the amazing part was that I had more confidence in myself than I have had in months. I am not a confident person and I don't seek it either but I felt like I could do anything and was proud to take a step towards the unknown path. This new confidence made me take a path that I have been wanting to take for so long but was never able to. And finally I have taken it. It feels scary but relieving. I walked away. Not being bound by other people and pleasing them. I walked a different path. I kind of feel sad and sorry for the past but it's okay. It will be okay. It will take time to get used to this.
As a result, the bad headache and an angry mood caused me to move forward and not be afraid. My life is filled with constant struggle with my environment and my mind. It is an on going battle. But I have not yet yielded.

A quote from one of my inspirational authors:
"Always do what you are afraid to do"  Ralph Emerson

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Mr.Simple MV

Ah~ it's finally hereeeeeeeee!
The long awaited music video. I must say this is similar to Sorry Sorry and yet opposite. They really went all out with the different style, different choreography, and different beat. It also has a different feeling to it. As I was watching the video the members really gave it their all in this music video and the album. Super Junior please don't make this your last one. We will wait for you! 
I am really loving the colour scheme and the dance choreography. It is very catchy and repetitive. They used a lot of CGIs but blended it in very smoothly. And might I add their outfits in all three sequences are amazing!! Chincha Daebak! 친차 대박!!
My biased will always be Donghae-ssi and his outfits ruled! He looked so good with the white shirt and blue blazer! Korean clothing style is one of a kind. :) 

난 행복해!!

Super Junior Teaser

Two Teasers were released for the 5th album of Super Junior. The first one came out on July 31st and second one on Aug 1st. Both of them are very good, they are going for a different style this time. The songs are more dance with upbeat pop. Personally I like the 2nd teaser more, not quite sure why but I think if you watch it then you will know...of how awesome it is. :D

credits: sup3rjunior.wordpress.com 


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Super Junior 5th Album

Top: Eunhyuk, Donghae, Leeteuk, Shindong, Kyuhyun
Bottom: Sungmin, Ryeowook, Yesung, Siwon, Heechul

Members: Leeteuk, Heechul, Hangeng, Yesung, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kibum, Kyuhyun
Missing three: Hangeng [China], Kangin [army], Kibum [acting]

Finally, the return of the superiors! Their fifth album is out today. This has been the talk of the town ever since they were preparing for the release.It is beyond famous all over Asia and has even hit the western countries. It's amazing how much power their music has over the world. There is some thing that definitely divides them from the rest, they have unyielding willpower and faith. It is amazing what one person can accomplish once they set their mind and this is 13 members together and so their power is enormous. Super Junior, how does it feel to have your prayers answered? To have your wishes and dreams come true? To know that every waking moment 1 out of 5 people know your name?  To know and feel the power of billions of people supporting you? There are no words to how powerful and loving the human heart is. And that is what I've learned from knowing their music. Their music has helped me through every step of my life, whether it be sad, happy, frustrated, confused, in love or lose of hope. And I think that is exactly why they continue to make music. I am very grateful to have discovered them. I thank God for giving me a chance to notice them.
They all have grown up from boys to man and we have grown with them. We have seen most of their life, most of their emotions and shared their pain and happiness. And for those who are far away, the miracle of technology has joined us and connected us closer than ever. I hope people will continue to love their music just like all the E.L.F.s out there have.

CD contents:
1. Mr. Simple
2. Opera
3. Be My Girl
4. Walkin'
5. Storm
6. Good Friends
7. Feels Good
8. Memories
9. Sunflower
10. White Christmas
11. Y
12. My Love, My Kiss, My Heart
13. Perfection [Korean]  [Bonus Track]


photo credit: http://www.supersaejin.com/2011/07/super-junior-5th-album.html

おたんじょうび おめでとう!!!


おたんじょうび おめでとう まもるちばーさん/ツクセヂカメンサマ!
Happy Birthday Mamoru Chiba[Darien Shields] /Tuxedo Mask!!!

This is a tribute to our very own Tuxedo Kamen-sama. Although there are many controversies whether his birthday is on Aug 1st or 3rd but most of the places I've seen is listed on the 3rd. Only Naoko Takeuchi knows. So I show my gratitude for making me get up 7am every Saturday morning, just to see him throw a rose, fly across the screen, say a line and fly off. Time well spent. Ah~ if only you were real...so many girls would love to kidnap you..in the most safest way...Everyone knows we watched Sailor Moon just to see you for 5 mins on screen, and after that we felt like we could achieve anything in our world. So thank you Naoko Takeuchi-san for bringing him to the animation world and giving us hope in our not-so-wonderful life. And thank you Mamo-chan for existing in our imaginations. Koodos to you. Otanjoubiomedeto!


Monday, August 1, 2011

Emma - Love Song Requiem

Anime used: Emma
Creator: Kaoru Mori
Song used: Love Song Requiem
Artist: Trading Yesterday

My first music video, made it on Jan 28 2008. I thought I'd share it. I really like this anime, it's so pure and innocent. It definitely different from the rest of animes only because it's set in Victorian times in England but the language is Japanese. The first time I read the manga it caught my attention. The drawing style is very real life, not the usual elongated necks and legs or the big sparkly eyes. It's a short manga..only 7 volumes..I thought it would be longer. It's one of my favourite mangas of all time. I saw the anime and that was really nice as well. Just very weird looking at past England and having Japanese voices coming out from the characters nevertheless, a very mesmerizing story. It really shows the aspect of a real world and what life has to offer. The world is not all rainbows and cotton candy all around.
I am currently working on another music video of the infamous anime Nana. I'll be using the song from Lifehouse: First Time. If only my windows movie maker would cooperate with me then I would be done by now.

Hope you guys enjoy this! :)
Leave a comment..let me know how it is.
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