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Sunday, September 25, 2011


YAY for another Super Junior song! This time it's called A-CHA. That word can be used for "Oh my, Oh my gosh or Oh dear" sort of a surprised expression. In this song it's used for a girl's expression towards a man. In this case, towards Super Junior. This song is a mix of dance, and pop. At least that's what I got. I don't know enough about the genre of music but that's as far as I can go. lol.
This video is just the teaser, I'm waiting for the actual video...see how that it. Surprisingly, I didn't like this song at first but now it's getting to me...just like Mr.Simple. AHHH for Suju always making catchy lyrics and fast-pace music. I can't wait to see their choreography. :) 

credits: You Tube

1 comment:

  1. I think the only reason I don't hate on SuJu for releasing so many similar songs is because I have such a weakness for fast paced songs
