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Sunday, October 15, 2023

Happy Birthday Donghae!!

Dear Donghae,

Happiest of Birthdays to you!!! 
It has been a while since I made this post. 
I'm sorry I couldn't post last year because I went to go see your concert in LA!! 
You came to LA to perform at the KCON event 2022. It was a very spectacular event!! 
Thank you for performing and doing your best at the time. It was exactly the healing I needed and I am sure you were ecstatic to be there. 

So this year, I would like to wish you another year. This year is special for me since I will be celebrating your birthday in Paris!! 
It's the city of love as they say and I know how much you love it. I wanted to thank you for continuously choosing to be a singer, dancer, song-writer, composer, actor...an artist of all traits. When I see you, I am reminded of how great life is and can be. I am reminded of the simple things. I am reminded of taking it slow. I am reminded of staying healthy and happy. I am reminded of the love that I need. 

Thank you so much for giving encouragement and love to your fans. Thank you for constantly giving your all. I wish that you will have a beautiful day and birthday. 

Friday, October 15, 2021

Happy Birthday Lee Donghae!!!

Another year has gone by! And this time we survived through a world Pandemic! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DONGHAE!! I fell in love with your voice in 2009 and have continued to listen to your songs, watch your videos and see your concerts. Thank you for continuing to live your dreams as you have inspired me to live mine. You have given me so much hope, love and inspiration that one human can ever give to another. You do not know I exist but someday I hope to make that come true. I hope you have had a great birthday and hopefully another year will be wonderful for you. Thank you for staying safe and healthy this year. Your music has helped me through the most darkest times of my life and I will be forever grateful for it.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Happy Birthday Donghae!!

To the handsome musician that inspires me. 

Happy Birthday!!! 

His music always cheers me up. His voice is so soothing. He has grown a lot as a person, a musician and as a man. I love watching from afar and growing with him. He makes me want to help people and be a good person in the world. He is so intone with his emotions, he melts my heart everytime I see him. 

Without realizing, he is the person I needed the most. It's been 11 years since I started listening to his music and my love for him grows more and more. I wish this year is good to him and that he gets to fulfill his wishes. 

I hope to meet you someday and have a nice conversation. 

I thank God for bringing you into this world. So here is to you! 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Happy Birthday!! Lee Donghae!!

Happy Birthday Donghae!!!

Today might be a puzzling day because I'm sure it would be hard to celebrate with the recent news. I hope you are doing well after hearing it. I know you wear your heart on your sleeves so I hope you let it out when need to and then rise up again.

Did you have a good relationship with Sulli? Did you talk enough? If there was one thing that you could say to her and Jonghyun...what would it be?

I already miss Sulli. You know I dreamed about her 2 days before and even a week before. Since then I kept thinking about her and wondering how she is. I just didn't try hard enough to look it up. I wished for her environment to change and for her to have less stress. But we can only be by their side.

On another note, I hope you got to eat seaweed soup. I have always wanted to try it even though I don't like seaweed. Did you meet your family? Friends? Suju? Eat some cake?

I don't know how you feel but I felt like weird trying to celebrate. I cried a lot today for Sulli. I wish she had a safe journey.

Donghae, thank you for being you and for always staying true to yourself, not compromising. That's one of the reasons why I love you. Even after 10 years, the internal you is still the same. That's hard to do in the entertainment world but you maintained it. So I commend you!

Well, hope you had a wonderful day!!

Monday, October 15, 2018

Happy Birthday Donghae!

Happy Birthday Donghae!!!

Every year goes by and every time I am proud of the accomplishments you have made. Your endless efforts to be a better person astonishes me. Maybe it's partly because you are constantly being watched by people or maybe you have a set standard for yourself but you always strive to be genuinely  a nice and kind individual. A person whom people can look up to or maybe a person whom you wanted or needed when you were young. Nevertheless, I think loving you has not been for nothing. The more I look at you, the more I listen to your music the more strength I get in order to become a better person than before. The two years that you had left for military duty really put a test on my love for you. And you know what, not once did I falter. Is that what it means to love someone completely/unconditionally? But you don't even know me. And yet I am confessing these thoughts to you.

I thank God every day for bringing you near me. I thank God for letting me be a minuscule part of your life. I thank God for letting me go to your concerts and truly heal myself from life's pains and troubles and just let your voice ease my soul. The more I went to your concerts the more I realized why people love it so much. Of course it is a way to see that you are not just some people on a digital screen but rather a living, breathing soul. That you are human as well. That you have emotions, thoughts and ideas too. And this year, I got to see those parts of you more. I want to be able to go to as many concerts as I can. Your voice frees my soul and I don't want anyone else to do that except you. You bring light and kindness in my life and I don't want that to be taken away. You made me a better person. You made me love people more, you made me believe in people and to trust them. You made me have faith in humanity. You made me love God more and to be more close to Him. I'm a better person because of you. And I don't think there is anyone else out that can do that. I've spent 11 years loving you and this year I realized that my love for you grows more. Everytime I had moments of being thrown far away from you, you always managed to pull me back in with your music. That's the power you have. And it has become so natural to me that if you were to stop one day...I don't think I will be able to survive this world. That scares me the most.

You are someone that I value, love and respect more than myself. And I would know...because I love myself a lot. lol.
The way you are as a person, that is who I love more.

You will always be loved. You will always be thought of. You are definitely not alone.

Thank you for being You. Thank you for choosing this career. Thank you for being human.

your admirer, and E.L.F.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Welcome back Donghae

Welcome back from the military, Donghae!

Happy birthday to YOU!! 

You finally completed your military service and have started your activities for the new comeback. 

I can't believe two years have gone by..it seems like just yesterday that you were heading off for the military service. I also can't believe that I managed to survive without watching you on T.V. for 2 years. 
I can say that these years were not my best ones. I don't even how to explain how I managed to live without you. I realized how important you are to me. I realized you give me more encouragement and inspiration than any other celebrity figure that I have ever discovered. I didn't know how much a person can effect one's life but now I have begun to see it clearer. I missed you. I wished you were able to update and tell us (fans) about your life in the military. I hoped you weren't hurt and that you were living a normal life. But through out the months you let your fans know how you were via other people, so thank you for that. Thank you for staying healthy Thank you for let us see how you were. Thank you for staying alive. Especially thank you for making music. For choosing to be a singer. For doing all the performances during concerts. Thank you for being you, and always you. Thank you for always loving us (fans) just as much as we love you. Thank you for always helping someone in need and not forgetting about the little people. Thank you for your kind and warm heart. Always stay the way you are. Even if 10, 20, 30 years pass by. 

I will love you for as long as I shall breath and longer. You don't know it but you have given me strength in ways that I didn't know it was possible. I hope to meet you someday and have conversations with you. 

From your Ever Lasting Friend. 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Donghae day

Happy birthday Donghae!!! 
Hope you had a wonderful day!! 
I will forever love you. You are the motivation, inspiration and music in my life. I think without you I wouldn't be able to live so well as I do now. You always gave me a helping hand when needed. You are the voice inside my head telling me that it will be okay and that I should keep moving forward. Listening to your music helps ease the pain and worries of this world. I think your voice and your music is what I was looking for all these years. I just didn't think that you would be a big factor in me becoming a better person. I thank you for being alive and choosing to do this career. You have shown great perserverance and diligence that I highly respect. I look up to you and hopefully you remain to have the courage and faith you need to do what you want in life. 

I'm waiting till the day your military service is finished!! ♡♡♡♡♡ 
Forever love, Donghae.