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Saturday, July 30, 2011

I Got You

So I discovered this music video via YouTube a few months back and I fell in love with it. It is about a British series called Merlin. Basically about the younger years of the great magician Merlin and how he helped Arthur become a great king of Camelot. I have always loved Medieval era and when i discovered this series, I enjoyed it even more. The series is great because it shows every thing in the old age time and how people used to live plus there is not much profanity, or vulgar behaviour...mostly these days that's all the media is about. But I'm sure there are plenty of good series out there. I have been watching this video/listening to the song over and over again for two days. It is really well done. Credits to AviiAvatar02 for making it so superbly.
Lately, I have been very sentimental and every time I watch Merlin, it never fails to cheer me up. I guess it gives hope to the dying world. This series always have taught me to never give up, have hope and be patient.
Although lately those three phrases are very hard to achieve. 
せかいわむずかしです [sekai wa muzukashi desu] = The world is difficult.

Hope you enjoy the video

Artist: Leona Lewis - I Got You

Series: Merlin
Video Creator: AviiAvatar02
All Rights Reserved. I Do Not Own Anything

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