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Thursday, October 15, 2015


It's another year, another birthday, another day older for Donghae.
He is now 30 years old. The time has come for him to enlist in the mandatory military duty. He will be in the army for 2 years. First 4 weeks are training then he gets sent to the police task force. He will be a conscripted police officer. Can you imagine him as someone upholding the law? I think it would be some thing great to see. He is a very righteous man.
I can't believe it's actually happening. It feels like yesterday I was wondering when Donghae would go to the military.  And that was 6 years ago. Time sure flies.
It has been an adventurous ride going from one album to another, to a photo shoot, to a drama, to a film, or to an endorsement. He has been doing a lot. Recently, he has been writing songs and composing for new albums. His Don't wake me up and Growing Pains songs are beautiful. They are filled with so much emotion that you can feel Donghae's heart.

I'm going to miss him so much. He won't be active in his career so there won't be much of him on T.V. or any new songs. So this is going to be one difficult year. I don't know how I am going to endure it. He has become an enormous part of my life, he has given me so much inspiration and hope that I couldn't ever imagine coming from anyone. I hope I can see him in my dreams. He is the only one that is able to make my monsters in the dark go away. 

동해오빠가 내 옆있어 나는 외롭지안했었다.
그래서 동해오빠, 오리 ELF는 있니가 외롭지안할거에요.
많이목어, 건강하고, 잘다녀와세요. 기다리고영원히사랑할거에요.  <3 

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