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Wednesday, January 14, 2015


I have so many things to say and ideas to write on this blog and yet I keep forgetting or rather neglecting to post. Now that it is a new year, I would like to make a promise to myself and post more. I also want to write more personal topics and things related to my life because...well...I just need to let off some steam. :)

So, today's topic is Stay. Recently, I started listening to an American pop musician. Her name is Taylor Swift. I'm sure many people around the world know her or heard of her music. Well, I listened to her recent album 1989. Can you believe it? I'm the same age as her. I know I don't. Makes me wonder what I have been doing with my life...but then again, I wouldn't know how to live a life of fame and fortune. Regardless, I've begun to like her music. There are several songs in her album that I like such as; Blank Space, Style, Wildest Dreams, This love, and Clean. But this post is going to be about the song All you had to do was Stay, and a bit personal.

For those who haven't heard of this song, you can listen to it hear...

All You Had to do was Stay - Taylor Swift

So...the reason I like this song. I like it because of the lyrics, the beat, and rhythm. I have been listening to it non-stop for two nights.
I have made some deep conclusions as to why I like listening to this song. Here is some back story first. I had a friend for 5 years and we became really close but because of events beyond our control we were not able to move forward from a friendship to a relationship and so we had to stop being friends with each other. And so this leads me to now, I have been thinking a lot about this person, and how much I loved him and how great it would be if we were still friends. More so a lover, I miss my friend. I miss the person behind the friendship. I wished that person would stay in my life but I knew that it was not possible.
And so, this brings me back to the song. Although the song is about a relationship, and even though we were not in a relationship, I really felt like we were in one and that we can relate to the song. I don't necessarily feel the same way in the song, I don't resent the decision that was made (it was a mutual agreement) but slowly...the thought of 'if the chance ever came back, then it would be too late' occasionally occurs. And honestly, that hurts the most. Because I am afraid of the thought coming true and even just having the possibility of that thought.
And so just like the song says, All you had to do was Stay, I would say it to the person but I know it was not their fault nor anyone's. Just life in general. And even if they did stay then it would just be a friendship and we both knew that it wasn't good enough.
I'm glad I don't know what will happen in the future.

It's been almost a month since we stopped talking and it has been really empty. I think feeling empty is more painful than a broken heart. It hurts to think about it, or even talk about it so I haven't really discussed it much. As I write this post, I can feel the sharp pain in my heart. I hope one day I will be okay. So, I'm just taking it one step at a time.

Credits: Taylor Swift, Big Machine

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