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Friday, September 5, 2014


I've been living on the western part of the world for about 16 years, and I have had many phases where I would listen to different types of music or world music, such as American, European, Middle Eastern, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean. These phases have always come and gone and then come back again. I think lately I have gotten a phase of western music, American music to be in particular. I have been catching up on listening to the past 2 years worth of English music that was released in America. Some songs I find interesting, some are breathtaking, some put a smile on my face and some are not my kind of music. I am still going through the list day by day, but I happened to come across one artist, his name is Bruno Mars.

After listening to some of his music, I can officially say that I am one of his fans. I have always heard his music on the radio, on T.V. on talk shows, in movies but I never paid attention to it. Its like saying, if you are used to some thing, you hardly pay attention to it [or some thing along those lines]. And so, while living in the western world, his music was always around and people around me always listened to him but I hardly paid attention or made the effort to listen....until...I got curious. His music is definitely interesting but what struck me more was his voice. His voice is amazing, I think fell in love with it. lol.

I also uploaded a song from Bruno Mars, its called Young Girls. I think this is a song for his fans or just his past girlfriends? Either way, I think it is really wonderful. At least whenever I feel sentimental and need some soul music, I know who to listen to. :)

On another note, as I was listening to Mars' music and I understood why Donghae loves him so much and that he is very influenced by Mars. I think one reason why I started listening to Mars was so I can understand Donghae better. I wanted to know what Donghae saw, and felt and especially why he listens to Bruno Mars. I understand it now. I understand it more, the kind of music Donghae makes and the different types of genre he wants to experiment with.
Lately, for the past months, I have been afraid....afraid of the day when I no longer need Donghae. I'm afraid that I will grow out of this infatuation that I have for him. I'm afraid that every emotion, every sense of hope or encouragement that Donghae has given me will someday may not be useful. I'm afraid that I don't know what will happen to me if he is not in my life. I don't think I can let go, and I don't think I want to let go. I really hope that the day I no longer need Donghae does not come. As a result, I listen to his music little by little everyday because I know that every day in my life, I need him.

My confession to Donghae

#1  -   I didn't know I needed you so much, until you started fading away from my life.
내 인생에서 당신은 사라져 시작할 때까지 내가 얼마나 필요  몰랐어.

Credits: YouTube, Bruno Mars

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