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Monday, March 31, 2014

The moment of all truth

This sums up my emotions about my life. I discovered this feeling one week ago and every thing makes sense after that. I'm scared. I'm terrified. I'm terrified of making that one step towards the things that make me happy. I'm afraid that it might not work out or that i'm not qualified enough. I'm afraid of the change that I have to undergo because where I am right now is comfortable but it doesn't fulfill me. So does that mean I have to get out of my comfort zone in order to do the things I love? I think I already know the answer to that. But its so hard to do that. I think the fact that I realized this means that I'm getting one step closer to overcoming it. I haven't been out in the real world in a very long time and I have no clue how to do things or say things and most of the time I don't have much confidence in myself but slowly I'll learn it all....right? 

1 comment:

  1. Hikari-san, anshin kudasai. I learned this from a drama long time ago and that is to listen to what your heart have to say. Sometime if your heart says to go for it, even if it may be hard, I'm sure you will have the strengths to overcome it. I too am afraid of what the future and the world has to bring to us. Let's do this together! Fwaighting~ <3
