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Sunday, March 23, 2014

お金や幸福...돈과 행복?

Today, my manager at work asked me a question.
"What matters more to you, money or happiness?" My answer was....Happiness.
Then we got into a deep conversation about money and happiness. I haven't had these deep conversations in months beyond months. I crave these talks a lot but hardly get chances to talk to anyone about them. So it was really nice to finally have a philosophical conversation with some one.
So back to the main topic....Money or Happiness? Well my manager said that most people he asked had said money or that they always hesitate to answer the question. I, on the other hand, didn't hesitate. I told him why I didnt hesitate. I didn't hesitate because I had already thought about this long time ago, and of course the obvious answer would be happiness but I didn't choose it for that. I chose it because thats what I really want from life. But also cause being happy is some thing I have control over. It doesn't matter what life I live or how much money I make but rather that I enjoy making it, right? I would love to be rich cause that would be nice but that also comes from working hard and being reasonable with money. Besides being happy is just a state of mind...so a not-so-well off person can be happy too, right? It all depends on how you look at it and what your attitude is towards the situation. I think it doesn't hurt to be well-off but everything comes with a price. I just know that I'd like to live a calm and happy life. I don't know how long it will be till I get that wish but I have to hope for it.

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