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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Happy Donghae Day!!!

Today is/was Donghae's Birthday!!!
In Korea, the day is past but in U.S. there is a few hours left. And so, I will post this last Birthday present for him.

Tribute #15

Another year has passed by, and yet my love for you grows stronger. I can't stop loving you. I wish you a healthy and Happy birthday!
Before being a singer, idol or any entertainer, you are a human. I hope you rest well and eat lots of good food. I can't thank God enough for letting you being born in this world, and for helping you choose to be a singer, and to help you become the person you are today. Please don't ever change, not for anyone. I love all the dorky, nonsense and romantic sides of you. I wish you all the happiness you deserve. I really hope you find a wife that you deserve. No matter what happens, I will support you till forever. Please be careful when are practicing and singing. You have always done the things you wanted and you will continue to do them but I just hope you don't over work yourself. Try not to get sick. I know you are a clumsy person but also try not to get hurt. And listen to your hyungs. Whenever you get sad, remember that you are not alone and we E.L.F.s are always beside you, inside your heart, giving you the love you need. So smile and laugh always because just as much as we give you hope, You, too, give us all the hope we need. We love you a million times more than you can ever imagine. I hope to someday meet you and thank you for everything you have done. I am learning your language so we can communicate. And I know you are learning English, which I think you are progressing really well. Keep going, maybe we will meet halfway.   ^_^  

영원히 당신 사랑할거예. 동해 오빠. <3 
I will forever love you, Donghae.

I would also like to add the other confessions that were made from the tumblr page, where I got this idea. These are all the ones I agree with and have thought the same. 

Credit goes to the creator of the images and idea. 
URL: http://donghaeconfessions.tumblr.com/archive 
All rights reserved. 

Credits: Bruno Mars, Donghae Confessions tumblr, images from various sites and Korean media.

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