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Monday, June 16, 2014


Movie: We Bought A Zoo

I recently watched this on T.V. This is probably the 10th time I have seen it and yet it never ceases to amaze me. I haven't seen much western movies in a long time so for the past few days I decided to browse around and see what is new. Some things caught my eye...other things not so much...but this movie always catches my eye.
The synopsis is told in the trailer, the family of 3 end up buying a new house that comes with a Zoo. So not only they have to take care of each other but also of the 47 other species that live around them. And so the journey begins...
I love the story line and the amazing acting from Matt Damon {Benjamin Mee, father}, Colin Ford {Dylan Mee, son}, and Scarlett Johansson {Zookeeper}. Every time I watch this movie, it always make me cry. Its so wonderful T_T

There is one quote that I have always remembered.
Benjamin: "You know, sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage. Just, literally, 20 seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it."  

When I heard it, it struck my heart...because I am some one that lacks courage and for the past 3 years I have been trying to gain that courage. I hardly had much courage when I was growing up but also I didn't need it as much. I always followed what other people told me. But as I got older I began to think for myself and decide for myself. However, as time went on, I discovered within myself that I lacked courage to do what is necessary within a pressured situation or even just life long decisions. So for the past 3 years I have been working on that courage so I can be a better person.
I really agree with this quote. I really think some times when life gives you big moments, all you truly need is 20 seconds of massive courage...and the outcome will be amazing! I, too, have experienced with those moments and I have to say...they are wonderful. Simply the most memorable moments in life. The ones that bring hope and keep one going.

Also, there is one thing that have brought me courage. {Picture}
I am using this picture from Donghae Confessions from Tumblr. Link
That website consists of many every day confessions about Donghae written from other fans. There are many that I agree with but I will make a different post for those. As for now, I want to share this one. Especially cause today was a not-so-good day for me and its mostly from the people around me that make it bad, I was in a good mood until half way. But at the end of the day, when I see Donghae's smile it makes every thing fade away. I am the type of person that looks at the little moments in life and this little moment will always capture my heart. Plus its one of my favourite pictures! 고마워요 동해 씨!

Credits: Youtube, Donghae Confesions

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