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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

~In my heart, I'm writing a story with no ending~

Lately, I discovered K-pop on Demand...and you know what that means... :D

A few days ago, my friend told me about K pop being on Demand and how finally the western society is noticing the Asian world. I didn't pay much attention to it but a day later I was searching through the On Demand section to find a good movie or series to watch and I came across the music section. Usually I don't pay attention to western music but I looked around and to my surprise I found the K pop section. I remember instantly of what my friend had said and so decided to check it out. Most of the songs are last years [2011]...but there are some of the new year. I was also surprised that they were free. And so, I watched all the music videos of K pop for 2 hrs. Actually, I finally watched t.v after 6 months. I have been really busy with school and work that I don't get much chances to see t.v. So finally I spent 5 hours watching it on Saturday and I had a blast! Ah~ good old t.v rotting my mind. It felt great ^_^
Nevertheless, I discovered this music video. The song is called Fiction by Beast. I'm not a big fan of Beast but I do like to listen to their music. I fell in love with the song and the music is very meaningful as well. A love that is lost forever and so to forever immortalize it, it can be written in a book as a fiction, as a never ending story :)   At least that's what I got from the lyrics and the video. 
As for me, I always make my own fiction every day, always a never ending story so in a way this song suits me well. I don't write stories of lost love but along the lines of every day life. Always in my head :)

Credit: Youtube

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