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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

나도 널 사랑해, あいしてるよ!

It has been a really really really long time since I could grasp the words "Love, Happiness, and Kindness" again. They are still distant to me but slowly I will grow accustomed to them. I realized that I don't think I can live my life without those emotions and I definitely did not want to be a bitter person. That will be very さべし [lonely]. So regardless of events that have happened in my life, I will once again walk a path of freedom and justice. I will not give up, I can't give up...or else my life won't mean anything. No matter how hard life gets I will not lose to the world! I will fight till the bitter end. :)
I would like to thank one of my new found friends. She stood by me even though I was all sad and bitter about the world. She was patient enough to wait until I slowly healed. Thank you せんぱい[senpai]. I am accepting these three words and I will move forward with them ^_^

This video never fails to put a smile on my face. Its a very nice and beautiful song. Everybody is really adorable in it. Those three words that I talked about are well displayed in this video :)
One of my favourites. Enjoy!


"You are so beautiful inside, You are so lovely and I can't see why I'd do anything without you"

Credits: YouTube, TSPTE

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