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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Do you remember me?

I recently started watching A Thousand Days' Promise. I have to say...it is one melodramatic drama! but I LOVE IT. So far I've seen 5 episodes and its turning out pretty good. The story moves rather quick. The heroine finds out that she has dementia and as if her life wasn't hard enough, now she has to live her life with this "curse"..or so she says. The hero of this story is a very introverted man. The two couples are opposite yet drawn to each other by a mutual desire. The heroine also has a younger brother and older cousin to seek help from which she refuses. I honestly don't like the hero...he is a coward and indecisive. The story is very typical...a wounded woman gets protection from three good-looking men. What more could one ask for?
Seriously, this drama has layers beyond layers of deep hidden meaning and understanding. Do not be judged by the outer storyline. I honestly like the quirky philosophical comments each character makes. It makes the viewer think rather than just watch. I love this drama...although I'm not fond of the OST. Don't know why...maybe I will grow into it.

So when I first started watching it, I was really scared of the concept of memory loss. Simply because I have a profound memory...I am able to remember every thing in exact detail. You can say I am a prodigy of superior memory..[okay let's not boast] but I am able to remember quite a bit. So an Alzheimer's disease was always known to me yet I never gave it a second thought. I am grateful that I don't have it but I have a fear that what if I do in the future. And I think that's one reason why I started watching this drama. I am very concerned about dementia. I don't think I'd want to live if I couldn't remember. And I understand what the heroine goes through...if I was diagnosed..I wouldn't be able to stand it.

I can say I'm learning a lot of lessons about love in this too...I thought it was going to be G rated..but it's really not. You have been warned. Avert your eyes children! 

"You can't have the world see you like this...And you can't stay for more than a night."

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