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Wednesday, May 27, 2015


I have a question to the world. Why do all good things end so abruptly?

Every time there is some thing worth while, and meaningful, it always ends when you least expect it, or rather it doesn't last long. 
So, does that mean we should cherish every moment of it knowing it might be the last? I guess that's where the phrase "cherish every moment like it will be your last" came from. I kind of answered my own question. lol.
But I will still ask the world. 

I wonder if things lasted forever then how would we view the value of life? Would we care more or care less? Personally, I don't think I'd want things to last forever but rather just a little longer than usual. {I have a point to my rambling}

Throughout my life, I have noticed that every time I come across a T.V. show that is truly pure, deep, and insightful without the use of profanity, vulgar language or sexual content...it always seems to be erased from society. This time the show was called Forever (ABC). I do have a list of shows that were cancelled in the past that I loved deeply and were meaningful to watch. For example, Myth Quest, Firefly, and Merlin (BBC). 

I was really sad when they cancelled Merlin because a) I love the Arthurian legend, grew up reading about it, b) it was a very informative and decent show c) I loved the actors that portrayed all the characters, they were doing an amazing job!, And now, Forever was cancelled. Mind you, Forever has its flaws just like every t.v. show in history but I think I found an attachment with it that I can't fully explain with words. Its some thing to know when watched. Maybe it was the dialogue that was said between the two main characters or the interactions they had with each other. Or the mysteries that were to be solved, or the whole idea of living for hundreds of years. How lonely it must have been, how much one can accomplish in their life and what kind of person they might be able to become. Regardless, it was a good show. No profanity and no vulgar language. I'd like to believe there is still a place out there in the world that is safe and where people are still kind and genuinely considerate. 

Anyways, I hope they bring back Forever with all the same cast members. Maybe one day? Here's to wishful thinking *fingers crossed*. 

I am adding a fan-made music video because....I love the two characters! And the maker did a splendid job editing!! I have begun to like the song too. 

Video: Forever (ABC)
Edited by: Maddylovebug12
Source: Youtube
Name: Henry and Jo - My heart is open
Song: Maroon 5 (ft. Gwen Stefani)
All Rights Reserved. do not own anything.

Credits: ABC, Youtube, Maddylovebug12, Maroon 5, 

Sunday, May 10, 2015


Have courage and be kind. 

Recently, I watched the new live-action movie Cinderella. And I must say, I was magically swept away by the enchanted world. The movie was purely splendid. I think the words "pure" and "magical" would describe the movie well. I think the movie was well done, my god the acting portrayed by each actor was on point. Especially from Lily James and Cate Blanchett. Also, the set and costume was truly magnificent. As soon as I saw them, I wanted to be part of that world. Every element of the movie makes one want to live in that lavish environment. And , I should add, the grand ball was beautiful! Overall, I think the movie was well done and I would definitely watch it over and over again :)

I still remember the moment when I watched Cinderella. I was 6 years old, sitting on a futon bed and watching this movie with my family. It was the first Disney movie I had ever seen. I had no idea what was going on except that the stepmother was really mean to Cinderella, I remember thinking it was really unfair to her, and Cinderella's dress was really pretty. To be honest, I never really liked the movie. Mainly because I hated the idea of a family member to be so cruel to their own child and that the past things that happened to Cinderella were so unfair.

Since I watched the live-action movie...there was one thought that I had from the beginning. The movie is filled with grief. I didn't quite see it before because I was younger but now...it makes more sense. First, Cinderella's mother passes, then her father, not to mention Lady Tremaine's former husband passes, then her current husband, and also the Prince's father becomes ill. But amongst all the sadness and grief, there is always positivity and light. I think that is one of the main reasons why I love this movie so much. Personally, in my life, whenever there is turmoil I always think of the positive aspects and hold on to them. So, I know how to relate to Cinderella's personality.
Oh! another reason I loved this movie was because the Prince was a gentlemen, Every time he wanted to do some thing with Cinderella or do some thing for her, he always asked first. He treated her as a person, as someone who has their own mind and their own goals, he respected her, as his equal. And I think that is a very important trait to have as an individual. Whether they are a man or woman, they are treated just as one would like to be treated. I think this aspect is a good reminder for this day and age, where people are easily mistreated and misunderstood. I hope this movie enlightens people.

And lastly, to always stay true to oneself. We see in this movie that regardless of where Cinderella came from and where she ended up going, she was never ashamed or disappointed to be an ordinary girl, or a farm girl/servant girl. She loved the home she was born and raised into and more importantly she was honest to the prince from the beginning. I think being honest and being true to oneself is the greatest gift you can give to, not only, yourself but to the person that you might be able to build a future together.
Know who you are, what you want, and have the courage to achieve it. Then, let a little bit of hope and fate guide your way.

That is what I got out of watching this movie. And I just wanted to write a diary of my thoughts here. And of course, I would love to go to a Grand ball! :D

Plus, I can't stop listening to this song. The music video made by Disney Records is nice!

Sonna Rele - Strong (from Cinderella)

Here are some stills from the Cinderella (2015) movie.

Credits (all rights reserved): Disney, Walt Disney Records,Cinderella, Sonna Rele, DisneyMusicVevo, Youtube, Hollywood Records,