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Sunday, November 16, 2014


Ticket for Super Show 5 at Osaka Kyocera Dome in Osaka, Japan

Kyocera Dome

Today, I was reliving a moment that I experienced exactly a year ago. On November 16, 2013 at Osaka Kyocera Dome, in Osaka, Japan, I attend my first Super Junior concert. It was Super Show 5. I waited for this day to come for 4 years. I didn't expect anything nor did I have any expectation and it was the most liberating experience ever. I would never have imagined to be in one of their concerts, it was too far-fetched of an idea for me, for someone like me. I live in the opposite side of the world and I didn't even know that they would have a concert in Osaka, Japan. I found out exactly 2 weeks before the concert date and right after moments of knowing I began searching for places to buy the tickets from. I had one of my friends help me search for the tickets. She led me to a Chinese website where Japanese fans were selling their tickets and that's where I bought mine. [I can't thank my friend enough for helping!]
From the moment I bought the ticket, to when the ticket came in the mail, to when I was traveling to go to Osaka, to while I was attending the concert and even a week after the concert ended, I felt as if I was daydreaming.
Everything that I had gone through was so surreal. I was overjoyed and grateful. I spent 6 years of my life working hard to earn money and save up just so I can live moments like this. It is nothing I can describe it to be, it is beyond any thing one can imagine, it is some thing that can only be lived. I still replay every moment of the concert in my head. I remember all of the members voices, their dances, their comments, and actions. I remember Donghae's voice, every move he made. I wasn't watching him from a computer screen, but he was walking on stage, live, breathing. He is real as anyone else in the dome. For that one evening, I didn't have to watch him digitally. I cried so much, of happiness. They performed the song It's You, the first song I listened to of theirs'. I felt the deep emotions of the song, their beautiful voices and the fact that it was the one song that introduced me to them...I didn't hold my tears. I cried so happily. And then right after, they sang Hero and it is the one song I go to whenever I feel down. My tears didn't stop that night.
One thing that was really special that night was when the members were performing Rockstar, each member had to do some thing unique to the audience and so when it was Donghae's turn he got off the stage and gave a warm yet tight hug to a dedicated fan. It was such a beautiful, and loving hug. He probably hugged for a min or two and then went back on stage. The whole audience was speechless and in awe. And that's why we love him more. He explained himself at the end that he wants to give hugs to each fan, and thank them for being with him for so long.

I will never forget this night. Best night of my life. <3

I can't help but thank God so much for letting me have this moment, for helping me meet them.

This is the one thing I recorded from the concert. The members wanted to see the Sapphire Blue ocean so all the stadium lights were turned off and our glows sticks were the only light. It was so beautiful. 

Group colour: Sapphire Blue

I bought one of each merchandise they were selling. I know I would never get this chance again. Best decision ever. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Still Together

Happy 9th Anniversary, Super Junior!!!

Today, is the 9th anniversary of the Korean pop group Super Junior!
Debuted: November 6, 2005
I hope there will be many more anniversaries for them. Its a miracle to last this long in the Korean entertainment. I think each member is responsible for lasting this long and putting all efforts to sustain the group. They have worked so hard with tight schedules and long nights to maintain and promote as one group. After all these years, these men are not just band mates or co-workers but friends and most important, family. A family that is joined, not by blood but by love. It will always be One Love. Forever. With E.L.F.

So, I congratulate you, Super Junior members; Leeteuk, Heechul, Hangeng, Yesung, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kibum, Kyuhyun.
Stay strong and healthy!!

Love, E.L.F.

Sadly, Hangeng (went back to China) and Kibum (focuses on acting) do not perform with the group but they are always part of the group. 

Credits: fanpop.com, various internet sites, SM entertainment

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Happy Donghae Day!!!

Today is/was Donghae's Birthday!!!
In Korea, the day is past but in U.S. there is a few hours left. And so, I will post this last Birthday present for him.

Tribute #15

Another year has passed by, and yet my love for you grows stronger. I can't stop loving you. I wish you a healthy and Happy birthday!
Before being a singer, idol or any entertainer, you are a human. I hope you rest well and eat lots of good food. I can't thank God enough for letting you being born in this world, and for helping you choose to be a singer, and to help you become the person you are today. Please don't ever change, not for anyone. I love all the dorky, nonsense and romantic sides of you. I wish you all the happiness you deserve. I really hope you find a wife that you deserve. No matter what happens, I will support you till forever. Please be careful when are practicing and singing. You have always done the things you wanted and you will continue to do them but I just hope you don't over work yourself. Try not to get sick. I know you are a clumsy person but also try not to get hurt. And listen to your hyungs. Whenever you get sad, remember that you are not alone and we E.L.F.s are always beside you, inside your heart, giving you the love you need. So smile and laugh always because just as much as we give you hope, You, too, give us all the hope we need. We love you a million times more than you can ever imagine. I hope to someday meet you and thank you for everything you have done. I am learning your language so we can communicate. And I know you are learning English, which I think you are progressing really well. Keep going, maybe we will meet halfway.   ^_^  

영원히 당신 사랑할거예. 동해 오빠. <3 
I will forever love you, Donghae.

I would also like to add the other confessions that were made from the tumblr page, where I got this idea. These are all the ones I agree with and have thought the same. 

Credit goes to the creator of the images and idea. 
URL: http://donghaeconfessions.tumblr.com/archive 
All rights reserved. 

Credits: Bruno Mars, Donghae Confessions tumblr, images from various sites and Korean media.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tribute #14

Fourteenth Confession

Oct 23, 2011 was the first time I saw Donghae in live concert. I was relieved to see Donghae looking healthy and happy. Everything felt like a dream but a million times better. Nothing is compared to the moment when you see your bias on live stage and realize that you and him have only a few meters of distance apart. Those memories will forever be engraved in my heart and mind. And I think Donghae felt the same way.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Tribute #13

Thirteenth Confession

Whomever came up with this concept and pose for him, I deeply thank you.

Credits: Instyle

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Tribute #12

Twelfth Confession

I don't like bulky muscles on men, so when I saw Donghae's body during Bonamana time it was unappealing to me. But with time, it grew on to me. Now, I love muscles on him, it defines his body more and gives all the sexiness he needs. I feel it's exactly what he wanted.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Tribute #11

Tenth Confession.

I really love Donghae's jaw-line. I love how his face is defined by it. I love that every pose he makes, his jaw-line is very prominent.

Happy Birthday Henry!!

Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to Super Junior- M, Henry!!!

I'm so glad Henry became part of Super Junior. It was the best decision ever. Not only can this guy play the violin and piano professionally, but also sing and dance all at the same time!!
Plus he also helps his fellow members with English, as they sorely needed it. He is such a talented person. So far, he released two mini albums. I prefer his first album more than the second one. And I hope he continues to make great music!

So...here is a shout out to you Henry Lau!!!


Credits: SMtown facebook, plus to all the other websites I got the images off of Google. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Tribute #10

Tenth Confession.

I love Donghae's laugh. It's kind of contagious. And on a tough day, it is the best sound to listen to.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Tribute #9

Ninth Confession.

All the Super Junior members mean something to Donghae. But I'm so glad that Leeteuk is the father figure, and Eunhyuk is the friend figure that Donghae needed in life. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Tribute #8

Eight Confession.

I really hope that someday Donghae fulfills his wish to be a father. I know it is something he desperately desires. He loves kids and above all he wants to be a father, just like his father was.