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Monday, December 24, 2012


"There's gotta be a better way for me to say what's on my heart without leaving scars" 
"Can you hear me? when I call your name..."  
This is one of the songs I listened to last year for the longest times. For me this song represents many emotions and many events. For one thing..it reminds of Secret Garden...only because I discovered this song while watching a fan-made music video of the drama.
Whenever I am sentimental I play this song, it brings hope into my life. Its sort of scary how powerful a song can be, to be able to change a person's mood so calmly. Song writing, singing, composing are definitely not an easy job..its admirable of what all the musicians do. I guess most of the songs are based on life experiences and this is one of them.
I've had my fair share of emotions during the past year and this song is a reflection for me. Its hard to explain but it represents a few people from my life. One of them I will probably never see again and the other..well I don't think they will see me the same way ever again.
So I say to those two people...virtually...

"And when you fall apart, Am I the reason for your endless sorrow?"

Joo Won: "In your dreams, what do you see that is so stressful?"
Ra Im: "In my dreams, you are there"
Joo Won: "Are you that unhappy that I am in your dreams?"
Ra Im: "But still...come"

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Credits: youtube

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