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Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Child is a mirror of the Parents' methods

Baker King! Kim Tak Gu

This drama was one of the highest rated dramas during 2010..and I have to say..It lead up to that expectation. The ratings were minimum 30% and 50% maximum...which is amazing compared to the usual ratings of 20% or less. 

Genre: Family, Romance
Younger Tak Gu as  Oh Jae Moo
Younger Yu Kyung as Jo Jung Eun
Joo Won as Gu Ma Jun     aka. Seo Tae Jo 
Younger Ma Jun as Shin Dong Woo
Younger Ja kyung as Ha Seung Ri

From now on...my view of bread has forever changed. lol. This was my first cooking drama and I'm glad I picked it. The only reason that drew me towards this was because Kyuhyun sang one of the OST songs..and so for a year I was debating when would be the right time to watch this. When I read the summary, it reminded me much of Stairway to Heaven but I like Baker King a little better [Sorry Choi Ji Woo ssi]. I like it when the main character doesn't DIE. Although there were enough deaths to go around in Baker King too. T_T
So this one is about Kim Tak Gu, an elder son of Gu II Jung, president of Geosung Bread company. Even though he is the rightful heir, he is an illegitimate child of II Jung's mistress, Kim Mi Sun, and so the battle begins as soon as both brothers are born. The younger brother, Gu Ma Jun is a son of Geosung's first lady, Seo In Sook and Han Seung Jae [president's best friend], as Seo In Sook could not produce an heir from II Jung she decided to produce one from Seung Jae. Through out the drama, besides the president, II Jung's family plots against Kim Tak Gu in every way to shatter his hopes of living and in becoming the heir.
Along the way Tak Gu meets his life long friend and lover Shin Yu Kyung, there were very few moments of happiness before she gets snatched away by Gu Ma Jun. And one more person, Yang Mi Sun, who Tak Gu befriends in a bakery that he apprentices and later falls in love with.

For some reason it's a trend for me to watch family related dramas...maybe cause I have enough reality dramas of my own that I go hide in fantasy world..lol. whatever the reason might be I really loved, hated, loved, hated, and then loved this drama. It was a tug of war all the way. 
I love these dramas not because of the love/hate relationship but because they always have a hidden message beneath all the love, lies, hatred, and death. 
This one definitely proves that HOPE IS A DREAM THAT NEVER SLEEPS.   [Kyunniee ssi :)]
I will forever be connected to Kim Tak Gu by his keen sense of smell and his never ending faith.
I can proudly say that no matter how bad life gets I will never give up and to this day, I haven't. 
This drama helped me a lot with my feelings towards the world and family. My mood was quite bitter and sad for the past months and thankfully it all changed. I hated feeling bitter and I wanted it to go away so I'm grateful in discovering this drama. My bitter feelings towards the world and family are diminished. Or at least I know what I have to do to solve the problems. I honestly believe that without hope a person's heart can never be happy.
It was relieving and surprising to see that the feelings the children felt are the same feelings I've felt. I'm glad this drama showed it from the children's point of view, it really shows how a child goes through the world while parents manipulate it. In reality, the child knows everything and parents brush it under just to avoid and keep peace but nothing will go away like that. A child's struggle for freedom from the hands of a parent is a very difficult task...it takes years to accomplish. Well that's just one of the hidden messages this drama has. 

Another one is brother rivalry. I have to admit, I enjoyed the mini arguments Tak Gu and Ma Jun had. Although I did not like how Ma Jun did not play fair..and WHY DID YOU HAVE TO STEAL YU KYUNG???whyyyy? That pissed me off so much. I was also disappointed in Yu Kyung for choosing that path to get even with Ma Jun's mother but it also taught a lesson for her so I do sympathize with her. 

I spent 30hrs on this drama...ah~ time well spent!! One episode a day...relieved my world's stress and increased my drama worlds'.
In the end every thing turned out well and justice always prevails ^_^ The bad person deserved what they asked for. I really wanted Tak Gu and Yu kyung to be together they were such a lovely couple! :( Oh well...Mi Sun works well for him too. As soon as Mi Sun told Tak Gu "Don't use your fist for fighting, your fist is the last resort" I knew at that moment where this drama was going....

There are a lot of memorable quotes in the drama...one of them is all the way at the end.
After all the struggles Ma Jun and Tak Gu talk. 
[Episode 29, 40:00 - 42:09]
Ma Jun: Hey, Kim Tak Gu
Tak Gu: What's up? Seo Tae Jo.
Ma Jun: How can you be like that? How can you keep smiling like that? You've only had things taken from you until now. Your mother was taken and your father was taken. And you were kicked out of Geosung. Shin Yu Kyung was taken and everything else was taken. How can you be like that? Do you not have a heart, are you dumb or...are you really okay?
Tak Gu: How can I be okay? It's not that I don't know anger, it's not that I don't feel it's unfair, and it's not that I can't feel pain in my heart.
Ma Jun:Then? How can you bear it like that?
Tak Gu: Because I need to live. While I'm alive, nothing is over. Just because today was good, my life isn't over. And just because today was bad, my life isn't over either. Good things and bad things...they all go away. 

 I don't think I need to explain this one :) 

P.S I really loved the OST. 


credits: Yellow cinema, WITHS2 subs. 
Wiki D-addicts

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