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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

셍일축하합니다 이동해 오빠!!!

Happy Birthday to the one and only Lee Donghae!!!

Happy Birthday Lee Donghae oppa!!!
I hope you have a beautiful and relaxing day today/tonight. You have worked really long and hard to get where you are, it wasn't easy but you kept going. I admire you for your perseverance and courage and will continue to support for as long as I live. Thank you being a part of this world and I would also like to thank your father for suggesting you to become a singer. I know your father would be really proud of you. There is not a moment that passes by that he is not watching over you and taking care of you. Donghae-ssi, you are not alone, nor will you ever be alone. Your family, your hyungs and your E.L.Fs will be beside you forever. We will give you love and support for as long as you need it. So I hope you enjoy this day and wish you the best of health. :) 

I can't believe its already been a year since his last birthday. Another year has gone by and he has made more accomplishments. Its amazing to see his dreams unravel and become a reality. I'm glad he is able to achieve what he always wanted. I admire this man with all my heart, without him I wouldn't be the person I am today. I wouldn't be happy, grateful nor compassionate towards life or the people around me. He taught me how to be kind and generous, how to care for family, how to express my love, and most of all to love my religion.
I might be thinking highly of him than he really is, but regardless, he genuinely cares for people and wants them to be happy. And in my opinion, there is nothing fake about that.
This year is special for me since I'm currently a 2 hour plane ride away from him. I am in the same timezone, which I would never have thought would come true. Just like Donghae, my dreams are becoming reality one by one. Donghae, I would like to thank you for giving me hope to keep going. Thank you for composing and writing the beautiful music that you do. Some day I hope to return that favour and write you a letter in Korean and give you some thing memorable. :)

Please stay the same as you are always.

동해오빠 사랑합니다! <3